Soft Skills Training with Monttein Alonso

On November 18th, I hosted a Mastering Soft Skills Training at CityCentral Dallas in partnership with Engaging Breakthroughs. If you missed it, don’t worry! One-on-one online and in person workshops are available upon request.
In this soft skills training program, attendees leverage the 4 channels of communication to:
- Learn how to communicate effectively
- Get clarity about any challenge you are facing
- Set clean boundaries with your calendar, colleagues, clients, vendors and yourself
- Deliver more effective feedback
- Handle difficult conversations with more ease
- Position yourself to command the salary that you want
- Reduce anxiety at work
- Comfortably ask for what you want in the workplace
- Make it safer to take the steps you want to take
Soft Skills Training Testimonials
“The real time coaching was great! Working through the issue really helped me see what changing a couple of words can do.”
“You will walk away with techniques you can apply.”
“Invest in yourself and learn how to actualize your wants and goals.”
“Being able to hear the challenges the other attendees have helped me to see my situation more clearly”
Soft Skills Training is for you if:
- You want to know how to communicate effectively
- You avoid difficult conversations
- You feel fear or anger with your boss, direct reports, peers, or clients
- You’re not paid what you believe you are worth
- You’ve been passed over for promotions or attractive projects
- You fail to speak your mind when it counts
- Your calendar and email inbox run you over
- The people you work with are not pulling their weight
- You want to master “soft skills”
- You know your career is stagnant
- You’ve been thinking that getting an MBA might be the solution
Discover your Authentic Power
You have knowledge, ideas, and unique perspectives that are worthy of consideration. When you repeatedly hold your tongue, allow outside circumstances to run your day, or act in ways that are not true to your authentic self, your team is left to make assumptions about your thoughts and values. You surround yourself with people who never know who you really are, or know how you actually feel.
While communicating effectively and setting boundaries at work can feel scary, denying yourself the opportunity to become a more authentic leader will sabotage your career. You can break through barriers to become a powerful communicator in the workplace. Becoming a transformational leader is possible as you begin to employ your soft skills training.
Find your voice. Communicate more effectively. Be more confident. Command more salary. Crush your career.
Get Started Now
Contact me today to arrange a small group or private soft skills training session. Training is available online via Zoom video call or in person!